
用英文翻译出生日期,要办签证的。。。 关于签证的问题英文翻译

2023-03-15 10:14:19 互联网 未知


DOB(Date of Birth)/Birth Date: 17 OCT 1995



My offer allows me to study in the US during 2010 to 2014 and I can graduate in advance if I get enough credits. So I plan to finish my master degree in 2 and a half year because 4 year is too long to a girl. The point is I cant make my bf wait for so long.
My bf supports me a lot to get further education in the US since its a great chance for our future.
My bf wont go with me because he already has a promising job. Once he give up, he has to start with nothing. And his English is poor as well. its bad for he follow me since it effects our future.I will stay in the US for just over 2 years, which is not a long time. I will be free to come back to visit my parents and him during that time.
You know, its really hard for me to get this opportunity to study at this college since American education is the best in the world. This college is the largest private art college in the US, which was founded in 1929. The president is **. Ive heard this school when I was in high school and my instructors in college also mentioned it frequently.
I have took the IELTS test and the grade is * which is not good enough. I believe the language cant determin everything. While my profressor is a proof of my ability. Actually, my school doesnt require my languege grade. im an adaptable person so i will learn english quickly when im in the US.
Ive prepared a proof of ** dollar deposit because my school needs that. I have 2 copies of the proof, one for school and one for the embassy. If your think its not enough, I can deposit more, thats not a big deal.
累啊。。。多给点分吧。。 分数拿来哇!




大大方方说中文就行,你越大方,越显得无所谓,越容易给面试官那种坦荡荡的感觉.反之如果你很紧张,很小心谨慎,见到面试官就处于一种受惊吓的心虚状态,那面试官可能觉得你不知道在害怕什么,不知道你兜兜转转在琢磨什么,反而不好. 现在我觉得美国签证好办多了,我有个朋友次次去美国使馆办签证从来都是中文,尽管他的英文非常流利... key point不是你说中文还是英文,而是在于你提交的材料是不是足够证明你不想非法滞留在美国...反正有一点就是不要说谎话,他们总有办法知道的,如果你打算以后还想去美国或者其他国家的话. 比如公司可以出具派遣函,保证函,在职证明,你有房或者有车的话可以把房产证或者车的证据提前准备好. 如果有男友准备一下跟男友的合影,如果没有就准备和父母的合影,和朋友的合影,证明你在国内的社会关系稳定,和谐,难以拆开... 基本上我的面试经验就是非常简单,一共问了我俩问题,工作几年了,去美国干什么...就过了. 我还没来得及想其他的就ok了...小同志加油....