
日本东京著名的旅游景点介绍一下。 英语作文:介绍旅游景点

2023-03-10 16:21:14 互联网 未知


上野公园 以赏樱胜地驰名于世 位于东京市区北部 是日本最大的都市公园 园内五重塔 东照宫和西乡隆盛(明治维新三杰之一)
位于上野公园北部的东京国立博物馆是日本最大的博物馆 为保存收集日本传统艺术文物的宝库
明治神宫地处市区西部涉谷区 都立代代木公园 神社宏伟 宫内树木繁多 为东京市内的“绿肺”
与森严肃穆的神宫相比 浅草寺很热闹 浅草寺位于市区东北 是东京最古老的寺院 这里终年游人不断 一年四季都要举办盛大的传统节日活动 对当地人 和外地游客都很有吸引力
除此之外 还有众多的游乐园 自然公园 动植物园 海滨公园 购物中心 神社等


A succession of beautiful scenery makes one feel delighted. A long stay in the same surroundings to make everything the same. Routine work often makes one feel bored But if you take a trip or a long journey on your holidays to some scenic spots or historic sites, that will make great difference.
Travel can widen one’s knowledge. The farther you go, the more you will learn about different politics, economics, customs as well as geography. If you travel the whole world some day, you will fully understand the globe on which we live.
However, too much travel causes tiredness. You get on a bus or a taxi, you travel on the train or in a plane, being patient with the hours needed on your mute from one place to another, that will make you exhausted after a while.


世界范围的景点的英文介绍可以参考世界观光组织World Tourism Organization的官方网站,比较权威的英文介绍。>在左边选择其它洲的,都是官方的


Kuanyin Mountain Forest Park is located is known as "Little Hong Kong" in the town known as Zhangmutou is a set of eco-tourism and religious and cultural tourism as one of the theme parks. The total area of 26178 acres of park and forest coverage rate of 99% or more, alias "South-day Holy Land." Kuanyin Mountain Forest Park all year round fresh air, fine spring high negative ion content. Guanyin huge basalt up to 488 meters above sea level as the ports of the Goddess of Mercy Peak, like 33 meters high and weighs over 3000 tons, features life-like. Goddess of Mercy Plaza, a total area of 10,000 square meters. Park, recreation center covers an area of 50000 square meters, the countrys leading long-term resident of Wuqiao acrobatic performances. Another barbecue, rock climbing area, archery range, a natural oxygen bar (Buddhism in their hearts Road), Forest Trail (Bodhi Path), etc.. 观音山森林公园 位于素有“小香港”之称的樟木头镇境内,是集生态观光和宗教文化旅游为一体的主题公园。园区总面积为26178亩,森林覆盖率达99%以上,别号“南天圣地”。观音山森林公园一年四季空气清新,鸟语花香,负离子含量极高。巨大的玄武岩观世音菩萨像雄踞海拔高达488米的观音山顶,像高33米,重达3000多吨,面目栩栩如生。观音广场总面积10000平方米。公园内娱乐中心占地50000平方米,全国著名的吴桥杂技团长期驻场表演。另有烧烤场、攀岩区、射箭场、天然氧吧(佛缘路)、森林小径(菩提径)等。